Baby Teeth 101: A Parent’s Guide to Early Dental Care

Set Your Baby Up For A Lifetime of Healthy Smiles

Welcoming a new baby into your family brings joy, excitement, and a whole new set of responsibilities. One of these important tasks is caring for your child’s dental health from the very beginning. Many parents don’t realize that dental care should start even before the first tooth appears. 

At Auburn Family Dentistry, our Auburn, IN, dentist, Dr. David Painter, is committed to helping parents understand the importance of early dental care and providing the best possible start for their children’s oral health. Call (260) 357-2380 to schedule your child’s consultation. We want to be your family’s home for healthy smiles!

The Importance of Baby Teeth

Baby teeth, also known as primary teeth, serve several functions in your child’s development:

  • Eating and nutrition: Baby teeth help children chew food properly, so they get the nutrients they need for growth and development.
  • Speech development: Teeth are essential for proper speech formation. They help children pronounce words correctly as they learn to talk.
  • Guiding adult teeth: Primary teeth act as guides for permanent teeth, helping them come in straight and in the right position.
  • Self-esteem: A healthy smile can boost a child’s confidence and social interactions.

When to Expect Baby Teeth

Most babies start teething around six months of age, but it can vary from child to child. Here’s a general timeline of tooth eruptions:

  • young boy smiling during his dental visit6-12 months: Lower central incisors (bottom front teeth)
  • 8-13 months: Upper central incisors (top front teeth)
  • 9-16 months: Upper and lower lateral incisors (teeth next to the front teeth)
  • 13-19 months: First molars
  • 16-23 months: Canines (pointy teeth)
  • 23-33 months: Second molars

Remember, every child is different, and these timelines can vary. If you’re concerned about your child’s tooth development, don’t hesitate to consult Dr. Painter at Auburn Family Dentistry.

Caring for Gums Before Teeth Appear

Even before your baby’s first tooth emerges, it’s important to care for their gums. Here’s how:

  • Use a soft, damp cloth to gently wipe your baby’s gums after each feeding.
  • This helps remove bacteria and gets your baby used to having their mouth cleaned.
  • It can also soothe sore gums during teething.

Brushing Baby Teeth

Once those tiny teeth start popping up, it’s time to start brushing:

  1. Use a small, soft-bristled toothbrush designed for infants.
  2. Use a rice-grain-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste for children under three years old.
  3. Brush twice a day, in the morning and before bed.
  4. Be gentle but thorough, cleaning all surfaces of the teeth.
  5. As your child grows, teach them to spit out the toothpaste instead of swallowing it.

Preventing Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

Baby bottle tooth decay is a common issue that can seriously damage your child’s teeth. To prevent it:

  • Don’t put your baby to bed with a bottle of milk, formula, or juice.
  • Dilute fruit juice with water before serving.
  • Avoid dipping pacifiers in sweet substances like honey or sugar water.
  • Start teaching your child to drink from a cup around six months old.

First Dental Visit

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that children see a dentist by their first birthday or within six months after their first tooth appears. At Auburn Family Dentistry, we make these first visits fun and comfortable for both you and your child.

During this visit, Dr. Painter will:

  1. Check your child’s teeth and gums
  2. Look for any potential issues
  3. Discuss proper cleaning techniques
  4. Answer any questions you might have about your child’s oral health

Teething Tips

Teething can be uncomfortable for babies. Here are some ways to soothe your teething tot:

  • Gently massage your baby’s gums with a clean finger.
  • Offer a cool (not frozen) teething ring.
  • Provide safe, chewable toys designed for teething.
  • For severe discomfort, consult with Dr. Painter about safe pain relief options.

A Childhood of Healthy Smiles Begins at Home

Caring for your child’s teeth from an early age creates good habits from the get-go. By starting early, you’re setting your child up for a lifetime of healthy smiles. Dr. David Painter and the team at Auburn Family Dentistry in Auburn, IN, are here to support you every step of the way. From that first tooth to a full set of adult teeth, we’re committed to providing the best care for your child’s unique needs.

Contact our Auburn dental office at (260) 357-2380 to schedule your family dental appointment. We’re proud to be Auburn’s home for advanced dental care!

Auburn Family Dentistry

751 North St.
Auburn, IN 46706

Office Hours

8AM – 5PM
8AM – 5PM
8AM – 5PM
8AM – 5PM
8AM – 5PM

*We see patients on Tuesdays and Thursdays
